• Mesterolone: Uses, Side Effects and Common Brands

  • Mesterolone refers to synthetic steroids with high androgenic (150% of testosterone) and fairly low anabolic (40% of male hormone) activity indexing. Derived by synthesis of dihydrotesterone and is its derivative. Its duration is about 12 hours. Despite the fact that this synthesized substance has a high anabolic degree, Mesterolone did not include this factor in its production. For this reason, this drug is rarely included in hormone replacement therapy. Nevertheless, it is often used by athletes involved in power sports as a means of suppressing aromatase enzymes, which leads to the possibility of avoiding manifestations of negative effects on body during use of steroids associated with the conversion of natural “test” to estradiol (female hormones). It should be noted that the manifestation of this property is insignificant and antiestrogens, nevertheless, will have to be taken.

    Some believe that this drug is able to inhibit inhibition of endogenous hormones during consumption and upon completion. But so far this remains only an assumption. Therefore, do not neglect drugs that suppress the effects of estrogen.

    It is proved that this androgen has an inhibitory effect on globulin, which binds sex hormones and helps to increase concentration of substances in the blood, enhancing their effectiveness. Does not have the ability to regenerate the level of natural "test".

    The production of this pharmacological product is carried out by many well-known world pharmaceutical companies with a difference in brand and concentration of active substance per unit, as well as in price. The release of Proviron, as a rule, is carried out in tablet form at 25, 50 mg.

    You can buy Mesterolone without prescription:

    Proviron Dragon Pharma, Europe
    87.00 USD

    Creto-Provirion Beligas Pharmaceuticals
    89.00 USD

    Proviroxyl Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India
    60.00 USD 45.00 USD

    Proviron Bayer Schering, Turkey
    50.00 USD

    Providex Sciroxx
    48.00 USD

    Out of stock
    Proviron-Lab 7Lab Pharma, Switzerland
    37.00 USD

    Out of stock

    Properties and Effects

    • Helps increase sexual desire (libido), improves potency;
    • Increases muscle hardness and density. This is due to its frequent use by bodybuilders;
    • Able to increase the number and improve the quality of sperm;
    • Aromatase blocker;
    • Increases the coefficient of free "test" in the bloodstream.

    How to Use

    Mesterolone is intended for use among men, it is not advisable for women to take it, as it is able to develop virilization, which is characterized by the manifestation of male signs (physique, increased body hair, voice).

    Men, however, should be consulted by a doctor before starting treatment and undergo a complete medical examination and pass appropriate tests, throughout the process to monitor hormonal balance.

    Mesterolone is taken orally. The recommended dose is 50 milligrams per day, which follows two meals after eating food. In rare cases, a daily dosage of 100 mg is allowed. Exceeding the maximum dose can not only not achieve the desired expected effect, but act opposite to expectations. The cycle of administration varies from 6 to 12 weeks, depending on the individual indications and the established goal. In order to avoid negative effects it is not necessary to exceed the maximum established doses.

    If a woman still decided to use this product, her daily dose should not exceed 25 mg.

    Interaction With Other Drugs

    The most common and effective in suppressing estrodiol is a combination with Tamoxifen (daily proportion - 50 mg of Mesterolone and 20 mg of Tamoxifen).

    Side Effects

    • Oily skin and acne.
    • Increased hair growth throughout the body and face.
    • Hair loss on the head.
    • In women, virilization.
    • Atherosclerosis.
    • Cardiovascular deformity.
    • Prolonged erection, causing pain.


    In their reviews, power athletes characterize Mesterolone as a drug, when used, the gained muscle mass becomes more solid and embossed. In addition, combining it with a proper diet, the fastest burning of excess body fat was observed. A significant effect on erection, sexual desire was noted. The most positive opinion relates to combinations with this androgen.


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