Best set up type of any site that deals in these specific products. It is my expierience that any site that is designed and works in a similar fasion will be as reliable as these sites can be. GrowXXLGear is that type of site. It is as reliable as they come!!!!
Customer Support
Their site went down for a week or so. It made me wonder if I was going to recieve my order untill it came 6 days earlier!
Shipping Speed
Discreat packaging and labeling. Delivery was fast and early this time, but be prepared to wait at least till the estimated time allowed untill u even begin to worrie.
We are a professional old-school mail order service selling and distributing pharmaceutical products. We are supplying original, high-quality anabolic steroids gear and bodybuilding related products, prescription-free over the Internet: Anadrol, Sustanon, Winstrol, Dianabol, Deca Durabolin, Proviron and others.
Best set up type of any site that deals in these specific products. It is my expierience that any site that is designed and works in a similar fasion will be as reliable as these sites can be. GrowXXLGear is that type of site. It is as reliable as they come!!!!