• Trenbolone Enanthate: Uses, Side Effects and Common Brands

  • Trenbolone Enanthate is one of the most popular steroids on domestic market. At its core, it is an analogue of Acetate. Its difference is manifested only in the longer duration of Trenbolone Enanthate and a higher concentration of natural trenbolone, which contributes to a greater increase in muscle fiber mass (per cycle, you can gain up to 10 kg with minimal loss) and the level of strength indicator.

    This steroid has a powerful anabolic (400% of the natural male sex hormone) and high androgenic (200% of testosterone) indexation. It can affect the body for 10 days. It has become popular among bodybuilders due to the fact that it does not convert into estrodiol (female sex hormones) during aromatase. Despite this factor, it is not without the risk of manifesting such a side effect as gynecomastia. This is due to progestin activity due to its binding to progesterone receptors. In addition, it has the ability to suppress the production of body's own male hormone, which can lead to undesirable effects on sexual function (decreased libido, testicular atrophy, weak erection). No toxic effects on liver.

    Initially, this drug was developed to increase the desire for food consumption and increase in muscle mass of cattle in veterinary medicine. Later, due to its properties, it was widely used in the sports field among such disciplines as weightlifting, bodybuilding, powerlifting, power extreme, which is still relevant today.

    In manufacture of this drug is currently engaged many world concerns (only the brand and price differ). Available in the form of an oil solution for injection with a concentration of the active substance of the same name 100, 200 and 500 mg / mL.

    Trenbolone 200 Dragon Pharma, Europe
    90.00 USD

    Etho-Trenbolone Beligas Pharmaceuticals
    120.00 USD

    Trenboxyl Enanthate 200 Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India
    85.00 USD 63.75 USD

    Trenbolon 200
    100.00 USD

    Out of stock
    Trenadex Enanthate 200 Sciroxx
    120.00 USD

    Out of stock
    Trenolab-E 200 7Lab Pharma, Switzerland
    110.00 USD

    Out of stock
    Trenorox E Zerox Pharmaceuticals
    110.00 USD

    Out of stock

    Properties and Effects

    • Promotes a significant gain in muscle fiber mass, in particular, on a solo cycle;
    • It has the ability to burn excess fat deposits. This reduction is enhanced due to the activation of the synthesis of growth hormone;
    • Throughout the cycle, increases libido. With the abolition of this durg, there is a decrease in the secretion in the body of the produced testosterone;
    • Able to double the degree of insulin-like growth factor;
    • Helps reduce the concentration of cortisol;
    • Significantly increases the coefficient of power indicator.

    How to Use

    Before starting the course, it is imperative to consult a doctor and undergo a complete medical examination.

    For women, the use of this drug is not recommended, due to the high risk of virilization. In addition, given the fact that this product is very strong, it is not advisable to use it for beginners at the initial stages, it is more suitable for already experienced bodybuilders.

    This anabolic, like all Trenbolone esters, is able to show the desired results when building high-quality muscles even on a solo cycle.

    Given that the duration of this drug’s effect on body assumes about 10 days, it is injected intramuscularly 1–2 times a week, distributing the recommended dose into three equal parts. The normalized dosage, which allows to achieve significant effectiveness, is 300 - 350 mg weekly. A moderate amount of this medication allows you to achieve an impressive result, while minimizing the possible manifestations of negativity with the task. The average cycle length varies from 4 to 8 weeks. If the duration of the course is more than 4 weeks, be sure to use Gonadotropin. At the end of the administration, post-cycle therapy with Tamoxifen should be carried out after.


    Trenbolone Enanthate is effective both in solo cycles, and in combination with other drugs.

    To increase muscle mass and fat burning, it is combined with Stanozolol. At the same time, Clenbuterol is administered at week 10 to maintain the achieved results, and Proviron at the eleventh (to normalize testosterone levels).

    For the same purpose, a trio of this ester is taken with Testosterone Enanthate and Stanozolol.

    May also be used with Masteron.

    It should be noted that exceeding the recommended duration of administration, overdose, incorrect combinations can lead to manifestations of undesirable effects, such as:

    • Loss of sleep;
    • Jumps in blood pressure;
    • Attacks of increased aggression;
    • Acne;
    • Hair loss;
    • Increased separation of the sebaceous glands;
    • Decline in libido, weak erection.

    It should be noted that combinations with Ephedrine and Clenbuterol increase the likelihood of negative manifestations.

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